My soda doesn't taste right.

Why does my soda have an off taste?

The most common reason for an off taste is the wrong type of water supply line going to your carbonator. The second most common reason is out of date syrup or an off brand syrup that just might taste bad from the start. If you have already these areas and checked to make sure your carbonator works and your cooling device works, you will need to make sure your soda is brixed properly.

Brixing is making sure your soda water to syrup ratio is correct. We sell brix kits that come with simple instructions that anyone can use. 


If you have a Wunderbar soda gun, here is the link to the brix kit:


If you have Lancer 100 valves, here is the link to the brix kit:


If you have Cornelius valves, here is the link to the brix kit:


If you have Flomatic valves, here is the link to the brix kit:


If you have a another valve that is not listed, please check this link below.